In today's environment of stable customer service, it is important to take into account force majeure circumstances, such as power outages or other technical failures of operators. To minimize the negative impact on the quality of support, it is critical to redistribute chats to other available operators in a timely manner. This document describes a mechanism for redirecting chats from an out-of-service agent to another agent to ensure continuity of communication with customers.

Let's take a typical scenario where a user wants to contact support as an example. The scripts implement auto-distribution of dialogs. You can learn more about auto-distribution here ๐Ÿ‘‡

Auto-distribute dialogs

Let's take the following scenario as an example:

Setting up a connection to the operator

Setting up a connection to the operator

Setting up a queue

Setting up a queue

Thus, the operator accumulates dialogs that he/she must process. But what if the dialogs have already been distributed and the agent cannot process them?

The process of redistributing dialogues

Now we need to implement a process that can be run on groups of operators, topics, folders, etc. This mechanism is described in detail here Bulk actions

Create a section

To create a process, we create a new bot section

<aside> ๐Ÿ‘‰

Be sure to check the โ€œUse as processโ€ box.


Creating a new bot section that can be used as a process

Creating a new bot section that can be used as a process

Set up a process scenario.

In this example, it is

  1. Notification to the user that their request will be transferred to another operator for technical reasons
  2. Action setOperatorStatusToOffline, which will switch the operator to Offline status so that subsequent chats are not distributed to him (no parameters)
  3. And the action goto_alias in the JSON block of the configuration, you should write an alias in the script you want to switch to. You can learn more about how to write your own actions here ๐Ÿ‘‡

Actions in the scenario

Standard Actions