creating a custom entity through a script.
All input blocks before this action collect the data entered by the user and store it in variables like "customer:first_name", as in user registration, but the field names must strictly coincide with what was created in the custom module table.
After the custom_modules__set
block, you can clear the user constant with the saved parameters of the new entity using this action Action clear_constant.
Example json configuration of custom_modules__set block:
"module_name": "customer",
"set_to": "customer"
- name of the module with the custom table
- name of the variable in the user's state from which you can output the attributes of the created custom entity.
example of block output after set_to: "customer" :
getting a custom entity via id.
Searches in the database by values from the user's state variables and stores it in the user's variable in the state (similar to custom_modules__set
Example json configuration of custom_modules__get
"module_name": "customer",
"set_to": "customer"
Before this block, we need to store the field values for the table filter in the user's state.
Example (filter by color field):