Start node

Place in the section where the bot starts from. You cannot add or remove it, it just is always there.

Message to user

We write any text in this block to display to the user.

See usage example below:

Waiting for user response

The block will send a message and wait for a text response from the user.

This block has built-in validation, for example, it can wait for the input of a phone number or email or a number in a certain range and will not skip the user if he enters something else. Click "Advanced Editing" and scroll down to the validation settings, select validation from the available options.

<aside> 💡 Specify the block name in Latin characters. This name can be used in the following blocks to pass the message written by the user. For example:





Will send a message and give the user answer options using buttons. Used in 2 cases:

  1. When you need to enter text along with the button
  2. We put when you need to set a choice to the user

The simplest example: we have a fork in the scenario and we need to give the client the choice to choose the number 1 or 2.

For Viber it is possible to make the keyboard beautiful, read about it here Styling the keyboard in Viber