In this scenario, we automate the processing of incoming emails from GMAIL, determine their category using artificial intelligence, and forward them to operators for further handling. This will help to quickly and efficiently process customer inquiries without the need for intervention at the initial stage.

Example of an implemented scenario

Example of an implemented scenario

Stages of building the scenario:

Stage 1: Receiving an email through the Action block receive_email_message More details

Stage 2: Categorizing the inquiry topic using the Action fastline_completion

  "model": "gpt-4o",
  "temperature": 0.3,
  "prompt": "You need to categorize customer emails. Based on the provided message '{{email_message}}' and subject '{{email_subject}}', determine the most appropriate topic from the following: consultation, complaint, clarification. Return only one topic without additional explanations.\\\\nImportant: choose only one category. If none of them fit, return 'Other' (other)."

Stage 3: Transferring the result to the operator panel using the Action operator_panel__connect_to_operator_with_msg