A separate menu has been created for dialog statuses, which allows you to add, change and delete statuses, as well as customize their colors.
Select status
To add or change statuses, go to the Operator's panel - settings, and select the Statuses tab.
Taba statuses
The window with the current statuses (by default it will be online and offline) will open.
Status table
To add a new status, press the Add status button.
Adding statuses
The modal window for adding a new status will open.
Adding a new status
For the new status to appear for use, you need to specify its name.
Status name
Choose a color.
Status color
Status palette
Choose "Can receive dialogs".
If you activate this option - the operator with this status will be able to take dialogs and be considered during auto-distribution. If it will be inactive - the operator will not be able to accept dialogs and they will not be automatically distributed to him.
Getting dialogs