For Telegram, it is possible to add opening and working with the site in Telegram itself as a web application.

Example of opening a google site in Telegram

Example of opening a google site in Telegram

To do this, you need to add a Message with Keyboard block in the scenario, and add a button that will open the website. Then in the block settings, in Keyboard Elements, you need to add json to the button.

In the json, you need to specify the following key and value:

Example of json that opens the page

"ActionType": "open-web-app",
"ActionBody": "<>"

Next, you need to activate the Inline Keyboards (Telegram and widget only) setting.

Filled json and activated customization

Filled json and activated customization

After this, in telegram, when clicking on the added button, the specified website will open.

<aside> 💡

The website should be adapted for display in Telegram, and the site looks different in desktop and mobile versions
