New chats without a connected operator are displayed with the text "New".


If an operator is connected to the chat but a different dialogue is currently selected, a "dot" will appear when a new message is received.


Notifications, alerts and sound signals

<aside> ☝ Pay attention: Browser notifications and sound signals - come on the condition that the Operator Status is "Online" (a status that allows you to connect to a dialogue)


<aside> ☝ Pay attention: Due to browser policies, automatic playback of sounds/notifications is only triggered after the user has interacted with the site. For this, we have implemented an indicator "bell": if it is green, this condition is met; if not, click on an empty area on the site, then the bell will turn green.



<aside> ☝ Pay attention: To receive notifications/sounds related to dialogs, you must be on the "Operator Panel" page.


🔕 Web push notifications are disabled on your browser

Make sure notifications are enabled on your website:

  1. Click the lock icon on your website's URL address bar.
  2. Check if notifications are enabled on your website.


👁️ Chrome is not showing Web push notifications

If you don't receive Web push notifications on Google Chrome, this might be because Google Chrome notifications are disabled on your device's system.

  1. From Google Chrome, use a tool, such as Pushpad or, to check that you receive Web Push notifications.
  2. If it doesn't work, try your Web push notifications with another browser (Edge, Firefox, Safari etc.)

If you managed to receive Web push notifications on another browser, but not on Chrome, check if Google Chrome notifications are enabled:
