Components are the blocks from which the bot script is composed. The components are connected with each other by transitions - lines with arrows. Looking at the blocks and arrows, you can read the script and understand what will happen in the bot. The arrow shows which block we are exiting from and where we will go. The script may not be linear - may be branched, to go back and so on.

Component panel

The left panel contains these logical blocks from which the bot script is assembled. To use a component, click on the icon and drag it over the gray area.

How to link components together

To link the components, you need to click on the "+" on the component from which you want to go and click on any place of the component to which we have to go through the script.

<aside> 💡 You can also click on the + and then drag the new component from the panel, it will be immediately linked to the one you clicked on before. This is handy for quick scripting.


How to remove a component

To delete or copy a component, right-click on it (or with two fingers on the touchpad if you're on a macbook). A menu will appear in which you can click the "delete" button

How to remove a link

To remove a link, click on it with the mouse, it will be highlighted in blue, then press the right mouse button (or with two fingers on the touchpad if you are working on a macbook). A confirmation window will appear "Delete item" - click OK if you want to delete the link

Configuring Components

If you click on a component, the "Block Editing" panel will appear on the right, in which you can see the most important settings of the component

Advanced component options

If you click "Advanced editing" in the component editing panel, a popup with advanced settings will appear.