Description of SLA Metrics Expiration Time Calculation Method Using Calendar
You can configure a working calendar using JSON, which will be used to calculate the expiration time of various SLA metrics for your ticket. Below is a simple explanation of how this calculation works using the calendar.
Key Concepts:
- Working Days and Hours:
- You specify which days of the week your organization works.
- For each working day, you set working hours. These can be continuous hours or multiple intervals throughout the day.
- Example: Monday — from 09:00 to 18:00, Wednesday — from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00.
- Holidays:
- You can define holiday dates when your organization does not work.
- These dates will be considered in SLA metrics calculations and counted as non-working days.
- Multiple Calendars:
- The system can have multiple calendars.
- Specific Calendar: used for a particular topic or ticket service.
- Global Calendars: not tied to specific topics and apply to all tickets. Holidays from global calendars are combined with the specific calendar's holidays.
SLA Metric Expiration Time Calculation Method:
- Calendar Selection:
- When calculating the SLA metric expiration time, the system selects a calendar corresponding to the ticket's topic or service.
- If a specific calendar is not found, the global calendar is used.
- Holidays from global calendars are added to the holidays of the selected calendar.
- Initial Time Determination:
- The initial time is either the current time or the ticket creation time.
- Adding Working Time:
- The required amount of working time specified by the SLA metric (for example, 8 working hours) is added to the initial time.
- Only working hours specified in the calendar are counted, not the total number of hours.
- Non-Working Periods Consideration:
- If the initial time falls during non-working hours (night, weekend, or holiday), the count will start from the next available working time.
- Time falling on non-working hours, weekends, and holidays is not included in the calculation.
- Final Time Calculation:
- The resulting final time is the SLA metric expiration time, taking into account your organization's work schedule.
Calculation Example:
Calendar Settings:
- Time zone: Europe/Kyiv
- Working days: Monday (1) - Friday (5)
- Working hours:
- Monday - Thursday: from 09:30 to 17:00
- Friday: from 09:30 to 16:00