Available since v3.3.9


It is possible to start a timer and count client inactivity on some block in the script, and at the end of the timer to throw the client to another block

The interval__start and interval__end actions are used for this purpose.

Example implementation

Example implementation

In this example, the client will be transferred to the Digit Selection block, before starting the timer (interval__start). If the client selects a value, the timer will end (interval__end). If the client does not select a digit within 5 minutes (event 5 in interval__start), the timer will end (interval__end) and the client will be transferred to the block where it will write that he did not select a digit.


It is necessary to add an action before the block after which the timer should be started. You need to add json and an event to the action

Example of a filled timer that will be triggered after 5 minutes

Example of a filled timer that will be triggered after 5 minutes

Json configuration

You need to populate the json inside the action

  "type": "inactive",
  "tick": 1,
  "end": 10

Returned events